Transformation begins from within, and Stacia Rae Robitaille's soul-centered approach, known as Mindful Empowerment: Rooted in Soulfulness, has ignited transformative journeys for many individuals, empowering them to live authentically and fully. Through these practices and a cultivated way of being, participants tap into the wisdom and joy of their souls, deepening their connection with the present moment and awakening to the truth of their hearts. Stacia's approach embraces the entirety of the human experience, providing individuals with the tools to navigate life's highs and lows from an empowering and soulful place of strength and love.

Mindful Empowerment: Rooted in Soulfulness recognizes that we are multidimensional beings with physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects. This holistic approach aligns these dimensions, helping you integrate your thoughts, emotions, and actions with your soul's wisdom, truth, and purpose.

At the core of Mindful Empowerment is soulfulness, a mindfulness practice deeply rooted in the soul. It is the art of being fully present in the present moment with open-hearted awareness and a deep connection to the essence of our being. Cultivating soulfulness allows you to connect with yourself, others, and the world around you at a much deeper level, enhancing your engagement with life and relationships.

Stacia encourages the exploration of inner wisdom and joy. Through practices like meditation, introspection, and self-reflection, you embark on a journey of subconscious healing, connecting with your intuition and heart's desires, and living in alignment with your authentic self. Cultivating gratitude, joy, and appreciation for the present moment becomes second nature.

Self-love and self-compassion are vital components of Mindful Empowerment: Rooted in Soulfulness. Stacia guides you to embrace your whole self, including your strengths and weaknesses, with kindness, acceptance, and understanding. This fosters a positive and nurturing relationship with yourself, allowing you to authentically connect with others and approach life with love.

Life is a journey filled with challenges, and Stacia's Mindful Empowerment: Rooted in Soulfulness provides you with tools and practices to navigate it beautifully, with resilience and emotional intelligence. You develop coping skills to effectively deal with difficulties while remaining anchored in your soul's wisdom and truth.

In a nutshell, Stacia's Mindful Empowerment empowers you to embark on a transformational journey of self-discovery and empowerment. By tapping into your soul's wisdom and joy, you deepen your connection with yourself and the present moment, awakening to the truth of your heart.


Stacia offers private one-on-one transformational sessions that empower individuals to connect with their soul's wisdom, live authentically in the present moment, and integrate mind, body, and soul for holistic well-being. These personalized sessions incorporate soul-aligned communication and Mindful Empowerment: Rooted in Soulfulness practices.

Clients have the flexibility to sign up for individual, one-time, 2-hour sessions through a calendar system and make advance payments for each booking, ensuring convenience and ease of scheduling.

During these transformative sessions, Stacia tailors the experience to meet the unique needs of each client. The sessions may include various elements such as:

  • Breath Work: Focusing on conscious regulation of the breath to promote relaxation, mindfulness, and self-awareness through techniques such as breath awareness and specific breathing patterns.

  • Mind-Soul-Body Connection: Understanding and nurturing the connection between the mind, soul, and body, recognizing their interrelatedness and impact on overall well-being.

  • Healthy Acceptance and Surrender: Exploring the concept of healthy acceptance and surrender, which involves acknowledging and accepting the present moment without resistance or judgment, and letting go of the need for control, fostering a mindset of openness and surrender to the present moment.

  • Letting Go of Destructive and Unnecessary Thoughts: Developing awareness and skills to identify and release destructive or unnecessary thoughts that may contribute to stress, anxiety, or negative mental patterns, promoting mental clarity and emotional well-being.

  • Formal and Informal Meditation: Emphasizing the practice of formal meditation techniques, such as MindSoul meditation, as well as incorporating mindfulness and awareness into everyday activities, recognizing that true meditation is a continuous practice.

  • Forgiveness Practice: Cultivating the ability to forgive oneself and others, releasing resentment and fostering compassion and understanding towards oneself and others, recognizing the transformative power of forgiveness in promoting healing and emotional freedom.

  • Suffering Vs. Pain: Understanding the distinction between suffering, which arises from our mental and emotional responses to hurt and pain, and developing skills to reduce unnecessary suffering and increase resilience in coping with pain and challenges.

  • Cultivating Open-Hearted Curiosity: Fostering an attitude of non-judgmental, compassionate, and curious awareness towards oneself, others, and the world, promoting a sense of wonder, openness, and growth mindset.

  • Response Vs. Reaction: Developing mindfulness and skills to respond consciously and skillfully to life's challenges, rather than reacting impulsively based on automatic patterns or habits, promoting wise and intentional actions.

  • Awakening Love: Cultivating a deeper understanding and experience of love as a fundamental aspect of human nature, expanding one's capacity for unconditional love towards oneself, others, and all beings, promoting compassion, empathy, and interconnectedness.

  • Increasing Happiness and Joy: Understanding the factors that contribute to happiness and joy, and cultivating practices and attitudes that promote well-being, contentment, and positive emotions, fostering a positive outlook on life.

  • Self-Compassion Work: Developing a kind and caring attitude towards oneself, fostering self-acceptance, self-care, and self-nurturing, cultivating a positive and nurturing relationship with oneself.

  • Lovingkindness Practice: Cultivating a mindset of loving-kindness and goodwill towards oneself, others, and all beings, promoting compassion, empathy, and interconnectedness, fostering a sense of connectedness and care for all beings.

  • Finding Inner and Outer Purpose: Exploring the concept of purpose and helping individuals clarify their inner and outer purpose, aligning their actions with their values, passions, and sense of meaning in life, promoting a sense of direction and fulfillment.

  • Importance of Gratitude: Cultivating an attitude of gratitude towards oneself, others, and life, focusing on the positive aspects of life, fostering appreciation, contentment, and well-being.

  • Aging with Grace: Developing a positive and mindful approach to the aging process, including understanding and coping with physical, emotional, and mental changes, fostering self-care, resilience, and cultivating a sense of grace and wisdom in the process.

  • Mindfulness in daily life: This topic focuses on incorporating mindfulness into everyday activities such as eating, walking, working, and interacting with others, to cultivate present moment awareness and reduce automatic or habitual behaviors.

  • Cultivating resilience: Resilience refers to the ability to bounce back from challenges and setbacks. This topic could explore strategies and practices for developing emotional and psychological resilience, such as building healthy coping skills, fostering a positive mindset, and cultivating a supportive network.

  • Cultivating positive relationships: Relationships play a significant role in our well-being. This topic could explore skills and practices for cultivating healthy, authentic, and meaningful relationships, including effective communication, conflict resolution, empathy, and compassion.

  • Mindful communication: Developing skills for effective and compassionate communication is crucial for our well-being and our relationship with others. It includes active listening, non-judgmental speaking, and mindful expression of thoughts and emotions to improve relationships and reduce misunderstandings.

  • Cultivating mindfulness in the digital age: With the increasing reliance on technology and the prevalence of digital distractions, explore strategies for developing mindfulness in the digital age, such as mindful use of social media, setting healthy boundaries with technology, and balancing online and offline activities.

  • Body awareness and movement: Emphasizes the importance of connecting with the body through practices such as body scan meditation, yoga, tai chi, or other mindful movement practices, to cultivate body awareness, flexibility, and physical well-being.

  • Nature connection: Nature can be a powerful source of healing and inspiration. Explore the benefits of spending time in nature, developing a connection with the natural world, and integrating nature-based practices into one's daily life for enhanced well-being.

These private one-on-one sessions with Stacia are designed to support individuals in their personal transformation, helping them cultivate mindfulness, soulfulness, and holistic well-being. By integrating these practices and teachings into their lives, participants can experience profound shifts, increased self-awareness, and a deeper connection to their authentic selves.

Please contact for consultation and pricing